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-Trauma / Grief / see Books & Vids-



I do guarantee you that you will be very happy with both the arrangement and the results of what we do here. BECAUSE IT WORKS!

My writings and videos and in depth things that I teach reflect all of this. Just look at the titles.

There is both rhyme and reason for all humans that live on this Earth to be on this Earth. And we are designed to be whole and healthy. While we are on the Earth, we are just as much a part of the Earth as the Earth is a part of us. Our job, as humans, is to fully comprehend & understand this, and embed this into our four component selves. This is just as important as herbs and vitamins and proper nutrients and enzymes, and other things that will help you heal yourselves. Because of how we have all been raised, none of this is very easy. But also, none of this is really difficult either. It is a matter of moving passed our conditioning and entrainment. Also a matter of fully experiencing that wholeness and healing happens on ALL FOUR components of the human experience, here on Earth.


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***This is a 508 (c) (1) (a) practice**{FBO}*************


FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME: peppersvincent27@gmail.com or :vincent@largecoolness.com

FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME: peppersvincent27@gmail.com or :vincent@largecoolness.com



THE DONATIONS ARE WHAT I AM OPERATING ON. YOU ARE GIFTING TO ME, THIS MISSION, AND THIS CAUSE FOR THIS TIME. You are greatly helping me,... and I need all of the help I can get. Thank You in advance!!!

>>>NOTE*** If you are in a life threatening situation - don’t use this site. Call +1 (800) 273-8255 or:: use these resources ::to get immediate help. <<<